Thursday, January 7, 2010

Does Drinking a lot of water help wash out the nicotine?

from smoking cigs? does water help wash all that bad stuff out so u can forget about the cravings?Does Drinking a lot of water help wash out the nicotine?
Water won't help you at all ( unless you are thirsty).

If you are quitting, your body will try to get rid of all the toxins in your system. Drinking orange juice can help alleviate some of the effects that you feel during that period.

Hope you are considering being a non-smoker. I guarantee you will feel so much healthier.Does Drinking a lot of water help wash out the nicotine?
The nicotine isn't in your digestive system or stomache. It's in your lungs and your blood, so drinking a lot of water isn't going to help much
it does not help,nicotine goes trough your blood stream...and create an addiction..

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