Thursday, January 7, 2010

How often do you wash kitten in lukewarm water?

How often do you trim the kittens nails?

What diseases or serious illness can indoor kitten get?How often do you wash kitten in lukewarm water?
You should only bathe a cat if it is with a shampoo for fleas or if it rolled around in manure or something of that sort.

Bathing a cat drys out their skin and can cause them to scratch themselves bald or raw. They groom themselves many times a day so please, never wash your cat.

You shouldn't trim her nails until she is getting them stuck in the carpet. furniture or drapes. Do it when she is sleepy or relaxed so she's less likely to squirm. Only trim off a small amount, and always be sure to watch for the ';quick.'; The quick is the vein that runs through the nail and if you cut into it, it is very painful for the kitty and she could bleed.

UTIs (urinary tract infections) are common in house cats who are on a diet high in magnesium. Grocery store or department store food is the number one cause of UTIs. It is not pH balanced and it causes little crystals of urine to build up, and when they try to urinate these crystals make it very painful for them so they end up holding in their urine. You'll want to get your kitten to the vet immediately if she is not peeing regularly, if she is meowing constantly for no apparent reason especially in the litter box, or if she is lethargic and out of energy and not eating or drinking as much.

To avoid this painful infection, start her off on a high quality food from your local health pet food store. Chicken Soup for the Cat Lovers Soul is a good brand that is nutritionally solid, and reasonably priced.

Good luck with your new furbaby!How often do you wash kitten in lukewarm water?
It is not correct that indoors cats trim their own nails on scratching posts. What they are doing on the posts is to rid themselves of old dead coverings of nails as they grow. If you keep your cat inside you do need to trim the points off their nails once a month or so. If you do this when the cat is relaxed it can become part of your normal routine. Let the cat tell you when he/she has had enough of messing with their feet. I often can do just one foot at a sitting. Usually I just to front feet but check the back toes too. I had one cat who's back claw was too long and it got caught on the carpet. The cat pulled against it and dislocated his toe. His toe was upside down. Quick trip to the vet only to learn that gentle massage will allow the toe to pop back to the right position

I do not bath my cats as long as they are healthy and indoor cats. If they go outside they are likely to get into something that might smell bad or be dangerous to the cat if he grooms himself clean. Then it is bath time. Cats do not like bath time - huge understatement.
cats stay clean inside clean homes; they get dirty and develop sores, hotspots, eye discharges in dirty home.

cats trim their own nails. on furniture, carpet, whatever is around, that's why they sell poles with carpet wrapped around them.

an indoor cat can pick up whatever filth you bring into the home.

if you have a clean home, the self cleaning cats do for themselves, by licking and grooming their fur, is more than sufficient..

my cats always smell like toy stuffed animals in the morning and evening..just like the fake fur on a new toy teddy bear.

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