Thursday, December 24, 2009

How should I wash my creek water dirty white shirt?

I went canoing at Black Creek today while wearing a white shirt. When I was done my shirt wasn't white anymore, it's more of a strange rusty beige color now. It's from all of the clay and sand in the water, and I'm not sure of the best way to clean it out. I rinsed the shirt with clean water right away, but it didn't really do anything. I'm not sure if I should bleach the shirt or just wash it as normal now. I really hope I can get it back to it's proper color.How should I wash my creek water dirty white shirt?
Identify the stains on your shirt and determine if they are permanent or washable. Using Chlorox or any bleaching agent may damage the fibres in the shirt. The clay and sand are more easily washable under a strong rinse and good washing liquid or powder. Where do you stay. If the shirt is expensive or sentimental value, it is worth treating it and retaining its original condition, else, throw it away and buy a new one......

The rusty beige color ir due due to clay particles, small as they may be, in the fibres of the fabric, and any washing liquid will remove it, any chemical reaction will damage the fibres, light, warm water, even lemon juice ( its acidic properties ) will dissolve the contaminants, that is if, the stains are purely clay and sand only. Impurities are of two form, physical, like sand, clay, calcium or carbonate, and the other of course are more stubborn, the microbiological stains, moss, or even growth.

Of course the coloration, yellowish, fabric dyes are purely esthetical, but beware......How should I wash my creek water dirty white shirt?
You should always wash your darks and colored clothes separate in cold water and use a color safe bleach to keep them bright and also hang what ever you are worried about shrinking because it will in the dryer. Regular and perm press and fluff,%26lt; reg is hot on the dryer and you should use it for towel, sheets, and fluff is only air drying and ther is no heat.
soak in hot water and bleach its the best way

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