I have a part time job cleaning dentist tools and have wondered why the people there have told me to just use cold water when washing blood off surgical equipment.Why is it that cold water can wash off blood better than warm water?
I wouldn't think there is a difference while cleaning tools that are probably stainless steel. Clothes is another subject. Hot water dries it and makes it hard, like a paint. Cold water seems to keep stains more moist and easier to remove, especially from clothes. Maybe they tell you that at work, because of germs and diseases which spread more rapidly with hot water. Never put heat on say your throat or ears if they are infected. Hope you find a more substantial answer young lady, good luck. Make sure you wear gloves when cleaning those instruments and even was your hands with an anti-bacterial solution, either ointment or soap.Why is it that cold water can wash off blood better than warm water?
The protein in blood 'cooks' in hot or warm water. that is why cold
water is better to used for washing off the blood before sterilizing it.
warm water makes it must harder to take off the blood. the same holds true of anything that is protein based like egg etc.
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