Thursday, December 24, 2009

Veggies, do you waste a lot of water to wash your greens before consuming them?

Because of all the fertilizers on them. Or do you consume those cultivated by using organic manure?Veggies, do you waste a lot of water to wash your greens before consuming them?

this question is mean

=)Veggies, do you waste a lot of water to wash your greens before consuming them?
I used to not bother with that, untill I went to Culinary arts school.

The professor had a big plastic tub filled with water, and he put the leafy greens in there, and after five minutes a thick layer of dirt had settled at the bottom.

I prefer my vegetables to be organic, but I NEVER trust any label. Organic is best, but the word can be misleading. So it's important to wash even organic vegetables.

I grow a lot of my own vegetables now, but I still wash them, because there is always bacteria in the dirt, like E.coli or anthrax (no lie, farm dirt often has anthrax, or other scary bacteria), so it's best to wash the stuff to avoid that.
I try to eat as much organic as possible, however all vegetables and fruits are washed here.
I eat regular veges and I don't eat organic no thanks :)
First tell me do you waste lots of water in cleaning your chickens @ss before cooking it.......
I rarely eat veggies, I prefer a steady diet of roast infant with cranberry stuffing.
I don't consider it a waste of water to get all the soil off.
wash them at least 8* to get the fertillizer off of them.

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